ZestFi Multi-Account Balance Manager
***IMPORTANT*** Please use the email address that you intend to use Google Sheets with during checkout because access to the template will only be granted to that address ONLY!
Unify your finances, simplify your life
✅ CONSOLIDATE all your bank statements and view them as ONE
✅ The LEDGER view offers a more FLEXIBLE bank statement than what your bank offers
✅ EQUITY CURVE shows you the changes of your balances over time
✅ Track your progress towards financial goals with VIRTUAL SUB-ACCOUNTS
✅ See how much is PAID IN/PAID OUT of your accounts over time
✅ Track internal transfers meticulously with clear SOURCE and DESTINATION accounts
✅ Track expenses, manage MULTI-CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS, and split costs effortlessly
✅ Customizable transfer CATEGORIES for those who want to stay extra organized and see Dashboard for advanced analytics
🍋 https://zestfi.io
🍋 Got questions? Email: admin@zestfi.io
What’s included
🍋 A Google Sheets™ template with 5+ tabs (Welcome, Settings, Dashboard, Ledger, Transactions)
You will need
🍋 A Google account
🍋 A device that can access Google Sheets™
unify your finances, simplify your life